Barrhaven Invitational Poker League - Info, Rules & Code of Conduct

(Last updated: 28-Dec-19)

The Barrhaven Invitational Poker League (BIPL) is a group of individuals who wish to play a structured game of small stakes tournament poker combined with a very social aspect. The BIPL is governed by a handful of players known as the Executive Steering Committe (ESC) and chaired by the League Director.

It has been decided to formalise our rules a little more so we have adopted the ruleset published by Tournament Directors Association as our foundation but with some "house" variations/exceptions. NOTE: We are currently using the 2017 ruleset. Updated TDA rulesets are not automatically adopted.

Code of Conduct

Let it be noted that "while we are playing for money, we aren't playing for a lot of money. The games are expected to be sociable so players are expected to act accordingly even when their nut-flush is cracked by a one-outer on the river by a fish who had no business calling pre-flop." (Quoted from Mike "the mad statistician (ret.)" Egan)

The League Director has the final say on all matters and may choose to delegate some or all of those responsibilities from time to time.

Please note the following:

General Info

Rules of Play

Despite what you may have seen in Rounders, another fictional game, any real televised event, or at ANY "real" casino, our base rule set is actually the one published by the TDA with some exceptions/alterations. Click here to browse the TDA rule set.
Please go to the 2017 Poker TDA Rules link. We have NOT adopted the 2019 Poker TDA rules for BIPL.

The following are either exceptions or clarifications to the above rule set:

All decisions and authorities residing with the dealer are hereby given to the Table Captain, ESC member, and League Director (ascending order).

When it's your turn to deal, please do so immediately (please do not spend deal time stacking chips if you just won the previous hand).

Cutting after shuffling & prior to dealing is mandatory. The dealer must get a person to their right to cut. NOTE: That person may not just tap the stub, leaving it uncut.

#7A - Alternates are not permitted.
- Re-entries must be declared immediately (must not miss a hand) and the player keeps the same seat. The only other option is to withdraw permanently from the event.
- Late Registration: If, after an event has started, you are suddenly able to attend but had not notified the host, you may buy-in late but only until the end of the re-buy period & provided there is an open chair.
The catch: you must pay both the buy-in & re-buy immediately upon arrival but you will only be given a single standard starting stack. The other stack (the re-buy) will be dispersed equally among the players at your table with any leftovers put in the center for the next pot.

#7B - Forfeiting of stacks is only permitted at the beginning of the first break (Top-up option).

#10A - If required, tables will be balanced by position as dictated by last to leave the short table.

#11 - The number of players at the physical final table will still be determined by the host but will be no less than 7 and no more than 9. For the purpose of our stats, final table is always top 8 regardless of the actual count.

#24 - At a colour-up, odd chips are rounded up in favour of the player (no race).

#26 - Players may request a deck change however it is subject to approval by the host.

#30 - Players that are not at their seat when the action is on them, may be granted a very short grace period (to be determined by the Table Captain or any ESC member).

#32 - The same applies to the small blind as well ("dead small").

#40 - If the action or spoken amount uttered is not permitted, the player is allowed to re-state their intention. Again, it is always better to state your intended action first (call or raise) and then work out the actual value.

#56 - It is the responsibility of all players to point out string bets/raises (verbal or physical), however, please do so in a friendly manner!
A "string bet" is defined as using more than 1 action (verbal or non-verbal) to indicate a betting action. All bets are to be made in 1 motion or by a single spoken word (e.g. "Call" or "Raise").
Example: "I'll call your bet & raise you $X" = CALL only. The raise, in this example, is deemed to be invalid.

The same applies to "angle shooting" which is defined as using a false or misleading motion to try to catch a read of some sort from another player in the hand. Although usually more unintentional in nature at our events, this type of motion is still not permitted.
Example: Carrying a stack forward, dropping a portion of them, and then pulling some back would qualify as angle shooting. Should this occur, the bet would be the greater of a min-raise or all the chips moved forward.

#57 - Example: drumming/tapping/wrapping your finger(s)/hand(s) on the table or in any other obvious fashion may be deemed a check - despite the fact that Claude was just "thinking"!

#61 - If a player is asked for an exact count of their chip stack, they must oblige, however, if they are not comfortable doing so, they may enlist the assistance of any other willing player not currently in the hand.

Final - Main Event (F-ME) Info

Optional 2nd Chance Tourney

Misc. Other

Hope to see you soon 'round the table(s)!